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Looking to burn fat, build muscle and improve heart health? Try stepping into the ring and kickboxing your way to a great cardio and conditioning workout. Kickboxing is a catchall term for a variety of stand-up combat sports. While the level of intensity varies based on your class and skill level, kickboxing is generally a full-body workout that helps strengthen and tone key muscle groups. Don’t be intimidated — many gyms offer specialized kickboxing training for beginners. Once you learn...
There's no sight quite like witnessing the athletic prowess and raw beauty of a trained boxer shadowboxing inside a ring. The speed and rhythm of an entire body in perfect sync gives the misleading impression that to be a boxer, one must first be born with this remarkable gift. And while it helps, a lack of innate talent shouldn't limit the average person from looking and feeling like Muhammad Ali inside the ropes, and getting the results and confidence of a...
Sure, boxing gyms provide equipment like heavy bags, speed bags, and rings, but boxers are still responsible for bringing some of their own gear, as well. Some gyms allow you to borrow equipment — like gloves, for instance — for your first week or two of training. The majority of gyms, though, require you to supply certain things after your first few sessions.  Handwraps Handwraps are the first line of defense against unnecessary injuries to the hands and wrists. They...